Posts tagged fat loss
Weight loss made easy - NEAT

Weight loss made easy.


Just a few years ago most people were looking at and even blaming their hormones for the reason that they were not losing weight. Gluten too, but that’s another story.


Hormones and gluten aside, today many fit pros still go down this route. Now I am not saying hormones do not have their role in successful weight loss or lack thereof but how much we can do about them is hotly debated. In my opinion we cannot do a whole lot, naturally at least.


But over the last few years’ things have taken a turn for the better.


One of the big players that is getting a lot of attention, is the role of NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis)

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10 Diet Hacks for Simple Weight Loss

10 weight loss hacks so simple anyone can do.


Weight loss does not have to be complicated and take over your life for it to be successful.


I have been involved in the fitness industry for over 15 years now and biggest question that keeps coming back is, how do I lose weight and keep it off.


Sometimes us fit pros have a way of over complicating things but here are a few tools to get you on the way to shedding the pounds.



1.     Eat your first meal of the day whenever you are hungry – if you are hungry for breakfast, great have it.


 If you are not hungry for breakfast, then maybe wait till later in the day when you   are. Caveat, choose well with the first meal.




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